Monday, November 11, 2013

A short excerpt from the final book in The Orphan Ship trilogy: The Last Orphan

            Even from this distance, Blaze recognized the scream as Shima’s. The response was instantaneous -- the night was shattered with the crack crack crack of gunfire.
            York cursed and leapt to his feet. “Stay down, Smith!”
            Blaze heard a metallic click, followed by the deafening blast of a military-grade pistol. York added his deadly contribution to the raging firefight on and around the factory grounds. Blaze hoped the ISPP captain’s split-second pauses between each trigger pull were evidence that he was aiming, and not just blasting anything that moved.           
            Empty bullet casings rained down on Blaze from York’s hand-held cannon. The engineer didn’t like feeling helpless and scared. Random screams from the factory grounds made his skin crawl. Blaze prayed that none of those screams were Shima’s. He extended an arm and picked up the binoculars, quickly wiping dirt from the lenses.
            Blaze heard York move off a few steps, pausing only two seconds to reload his pistol with a fresh magazine. “Begin sweep now!” The Captain shouted orders to his teams on his earcom. “We’re moving up the raids! Repeat -- begin sweep now!”  
            I have to see! Blaze’s heart was pounding against his ribs. I just have to see if Shima . . . he felt cold, despite the warm night air . . . if she’s been . . . he couldn’t finish the thought. He rose to his elbows and lifted the binoculars to his eyes. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Like Me on Facebook!

I'm always happy to answer emails, too. Send me a message if you'd like a signed copy of my book(s), and I'll throw in free shipping for the month of November. In paperback, only $10 each. Makes a great Christmas present for teens to adults.

Also be sure to check for more new young adult books by my fellow local authors, Tamara Ward (mystery) 

and J. Lloyd Morgan (fantasy)

Friday, November 1, 2013

It's Thanksgiving all month long

I have a tradition of using November as a time to reflect on the people and things I am thankful for. I find it's a nice mental break from the daily insanity, and puts life into perspective. The happiest people I know -- you know the ones I mean, the ones who practically glow because they're so upbeat -- are grateful people. Their lives may be difficult, but they always see the glass half full. For someone like me who tends to be cynical (yes, really!), a month to reflect and see the bright side of life is a way to nurture my soul. This doesn't come naturally for me; I have to work hard to have an "attitude of gratitude." I should actually do this several times a year, but I usually don't think about it until I turn the calendar to November.

I have so much to be grateful for, so many blessings in my life I probably don't deserve. There are too many to list (without putting you to sleep, at least) so I will try to post to my blog more often this month so I can share a few of them.

I am thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ. I'm thankful for my husband of 25 years, and for my six amazing children -- four birth sons and two adopted daughters. And I'm excited to be gaining a daughter-in-law and a grandson in January when my oldest son gets married. I am thankful to live in a free country. Being extremely political, I'll spare you an essay on the Constitution and Bill of Rights (although everyone should take the time to read and understand them). I'm thankful to be healthy, educated, and financially stable, thanks to my husband's job which allows me to stay at home with our kids and write as much as I want.

Join me in practicing an attitude of gratitude this month, and thanks for reading.